Subscription Boxes

Below are two options for our subscription boxes:

Subscription Box

An assortment of our products will vary due to supply availability.

$40.00/month until cancelled
$8.95 (shipping)
Subscription Box VIP

VIP boxes will consist of 2 bundles of our luxury hair collection up to 14 inches.

$199.00/month until cancelled
$8.95 (shipping)

Subscription Boxes

Subscription boxes memberships will be a bill on the date you started your box subscription.  You will be bill each month for the coming month’s box  $40 box will be an assortment of our products will vary due to supply availability $199 VIP boxes will consist of 2 bundles of our luxury hair collection up to 14 inches.

Cancelation Policy

You must cancel your subscription at least 48hrs before payment is scheduled to come out of your account. If cancelation is initiated after the customer will receive that billing cycle box and not the following month or months will be canceled.